Looking for a something to help you start a new club?

…or boost your club’s membership?

If you’re starting a new club, you must use these 7 forms!

Form 1

Application to Organize a Toastmasters Club

Form one of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out this form to become a “Prospective” club and submit it to World Headquarters.

Form 2

Charter Payments


Form two of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out this form with the chartering payment information and submit it to World Headquarters.

Form 3

Charter Membership Application

Form three of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out at least 20 forms from prospective members and submit it to World Headquarters.

Form 4

Charter Club Officer Information

Form four of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out this form to determine your chartering officers and submit it to World Headquarters.

Form 5

Club Information



Form five of seven required to charter a club. Submit this form when chartering a new club.

Form 6A

Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International

Form six of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club.

Form 6B

Addendum of Standard Club Options


Form seven of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club.

Alternate Form

Charter Membership and Club Officer Information

This Excel spreadsheet can be submitted to World Headquarters in place of Form 3 Charter Membership Application and Form 4 Charter Club Officer Information. Some columns have options built into the dropdowns for club use. Clubs are still required to have a signed charter application on file.